To win every difficult battle with high damage numbers, you must have the right DPS characters with the right builds. So, who are some of the best DPS characters to have in your party? Let’s dive into the Arena Mode of some of our favorite DPS Characters:

Hu Tao

5 Star Pyro Character, Hu Tao deals with huge damage with her Pyro elemental Burst AOE. Players can pair her best as a Primary DPS, along with a Sub- DPS of the same element. Even with a low HP, Hu Tao can deal with up to 33% Pyro Damage.

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts

Paramita Papilio(Elemental Skill)

Increases Hu Tao’s ATK based on her Max HP at the time. ATK Bonus gained this way cannot top 400% of Hu Tao’s Base ATK.ATK DMG is converted into Pyro DMG. Cannot be revoked by any other elemental infusion.Increases Hu Tao’s resistance to interruption.Charged Attacks apply the Blood Blossom Effect to the enemies hit. Enemies affected by Blood Blossom will take Elemental Skill DMG; Pyro DMG every 4s. 

Spirit Soother(Elemental Burst)

Commands a blazing spirit to attack, large AoE Pyro DMG.Hu Tao regenerates her Max HP everytime she hits an enemy. Based on the number of enemies hit, this effect can be triggered up to 5 times.DMG and HP Regeneration are increased when Hu Tai starts losing her own energy below 50%


A powerful bow wielder, Five- Star Cyro Character; Ganyu has a lot of DPS to offer. Ganyu can deal with five to six digits of damage every 3 seconds or so with her powerful attacks. Players can also deal with way lesser damage themselves due to the distance she can attack from!

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skills and Elemental Burst

Ganyu dashes backward with her Ice Lotus in the target area, dealing AoE Cryo DMG. Ice Lotus (Elemental Skill)

Ice Lotus draws the enemies towards it in a mesmerizing way, only to deal more damage within its vicinity. Ganyu’s Max HP impacts on her endurance scales.Once its duration ends, the Lotus blooms profusely, dealing with AoE Cryo DMG.

Celestial Shower(Elemental Burst) A Sacred Cryo Pearl that banishes evil is summoned using a combination of snow and frost from the atmosphere. The Sacred Cryo Pearl continuously rains down shards of ice, striking enemies within an AoE and dealing with Cryo DMG until it runs out.


5 Star- Pyro Character Diluc can be considered one of the strongest characters from Genshin Impact by many players. Players can make a lot of progress in the game with this Pyro Character alone. With his swift battling skills and damage, Diluc can also prove to be one of the best Carry/Attackers in the world of Tevyat. A valuable +1 for players!

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skills and Elemental Burst

Searing Onslaught(Elemental Skill)

Diluc attacks forward slashes that generate Pyro DMG.

This skill can be used 3 times one after the other. Diluc enters CD if players don’t cast it again within a short period.

Dawn(Elemental Burst)

Knocks back enemies using potent flames using Pyro DMG.These flames unite to form a weapon that summons a flying Phoenix. Phoenix deals with massive Pyro DMG to all enemies in its path. The Phoenix then reaches the destination to explode, causing a large amount of AoE Pyro DMG.Diluc’s weapon, still aflame, dies out to get infused with Pyro.

Diluc’s basic attacks can be broken down as follows:


5 Star Anemo Polearm User, Xiao is an Adeptus under the name of Alatus; the only known remaining member of the five Yakshas. Players can rely on this Heavy Lifter to do all the damage in the battle, easily rendering Xiao as a reliable character!

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skills and Elemental Burst

Lemniscatic Wind Cycling(Elemental Skill)

Xiao deals with Anemo DMG by lunging forward and attacking the enemies in his path.Players can use this Skill mid-air. Xiao starts his attacks with 2 charges.

Bane of All Evil(Elemental Burst): Yaksha’s Mask

Increases Xiao’s jumping abilities.Increases ATK AoE and ATK DMG.ATK DMG is converted into Anemo DMG, which cannot be repelled by other elemental infusions.Xiao will continuously lose HP during this ATK DMG which can be avoided if Xiao leaves the burst field.  

Childe (Tartaglia)

5 Star Character Childe, also known as Tartaglia is one of the strongest characters in the world of Tevyat. As the 11th Fatui Harbinger, players can use Tartaglia to use either as the Main DPS or a Sub- DPS. Tartaglia is capable of dealing paramount amounts of AoE Hydro Damage and is even able to buff the attacks of other characters. 

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Foul Legacy: Raging Tide(Elemental Skill)

Deals with Hydro DMG to surrounding enemies with weapons forged out of water. Enters Melee Stance.Tartaglia’s Normal and Charged Attacks creaate Hydro DMG that cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion when in this stance. 

Tartaglia returns to his Ranged Stance and this ability enters CD. This is after the skill ends in 30s following the second unleashing.CD increases as long as Tartaglia stays in this stance. The CD is longer when Tartaglia returns to a ranged stance after 30s.

Havoc: Obliteration(Elemental Burst)

Players can perform different attacks with Tartaglia depending on his stance. 

Ranged Stance: Flash of Havoc

Fires a Hydro-saturated magic arrow, dealing AoE Hydro DMG. This also applies the Riptide status in attack.

Melee Stance: Light of Obliteration

Performs a slash with large AoEDeals with an enormous Hydro DMG to all enemies near vicinity, which triggers Riptide Blast.

Riptide Blast

When Childe’s obliterating water hits an enemy affected by Riptide, it clears their Riptide status to trigger a Hydro Explosion that deals AoE Hydro DMG.


5 Star Geo User Zhongli is a Geo Archon; Rex Lapis. This character is also an excellent proven shielder and an excellent Buff. Pairing other Geo Characters in the team with Zhongli can guide the players to the ultimate enemy fatalities! 

Best Artifacts 

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Dominus Lapidis(Elemental Skill) Stone Stele

Deals Geo DMG.Irregularly resonating Geo constructs nearby during this attack, helps Zhongli deal Geo DMG to nearby enemies .The Stone Stele is a Geo construct that players can both climb and use to block attacks. The Stele can be limited to exist only one per attack. 

Jade Shield

+150% DMG Absorption against all Elemental and Physical DMG.Zhongli protects all characters with the Jade Shield to decrease the Elemental RES and Physical RES of opponents in a small AoE by 20%. 

Planet Befall(Elemental Burst)

Summons a meteor to fall down on earth.The meteor deals massive Geo DMG to enemies caught in its AoE and applies the Petrification onto them.


Enemies affected by the Petrification status are stunned on spot..


5 Star Character, Eula is a Claymore Character who can hit damage up to millions, easily rendering her into a favorite DPS Character for many in the game. Eula focuses more on the base damage than on Elemental Burst compared to other characters. For ascension, you’ll need Dandelion Seeds, masks, Shivada Jade.

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Icetide Vortex (Elemental Skill) Press

Deals Cryo DMG after each consecutive slash.Eula gains a stack of Grimheart that stacks up to 2 times when an enemy is hit. These stacks can only be gained once every 0.3s.

Grimheart Increases Eula’s resistance to interruption and DEF. Hold

Eula consumes all the stacks of Grimheart and lashes forward towards enemies. Deals AoE Cryo DMG to enemies.Decreases nearby enemies Physical RES and Cryo RES with the consumed Grimheart StacksEach consumed stack of Grimheart converts into an Icewhirl Brand that deals Cryo DMG to nearby opponents.

Glacial Illumination (Elemental Burst)

Creates a Lightfall Sword that follows Eula around for a duration of up to 7s. This sword increases Eula’s resistance to interruption. Lightfall Sword charges when Eula’s Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst deal DMG to opponents, which can gain an energy stack once every 0.1s.The Lightfall Sword descends at the end and explodes, dealing additional Physical DMG to nearby enemies.The Lightfall Sword will explode immediately when Eula leaves the field. 


5 Star Pyro Character Klee is an explosive expert! Players can use this character to deal with higher DMG than most Pyro Characters. Since all of Klee’s attacks are saturated with Pyro, Klee’s Elemental Attacks might prove to be the player’s undoing against the opponent!

Best Artifacts 

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Jumpy Dumpty (Elemental Skill)

Klee’s assistance, Jumpy Dumpty bounces thrice and deals AoE Pyro DMG with each bounce.The third bounce manifests tiny mines that explode upon nearby enemies dealing AoE Pyro DMG.

Sparks n’ Splash (Elemental Burst)

Summons Sparks n’ Splash to cause damage to all nearby enemies to cause a Pyro DMG.


4 Star Geo Catalyst Ningguang is one of the most knowledgeable characters and an excellent fighter in the world of Tevyat. An old favorite of many, Ningguang demonstrates powerful range attacks and fast impressive bursts against her enemies!

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Jade Screen (Elemental Skill)

Blocks out enemies projectileNingguang’s endurance increases based on her HPOnly one Jade screen can be conjured until it disseapears

Starshatter (Elemental Burst)

Ningguang gathers a number of gems to scatter them all at once against her enemies to  deal massive Geo DMG.Jade Screen fires additional gem projectiles when Starshatter is casted around the same time.


5 Star Electro Character Keqing can be considered a formidable hero for many in the Genshin Impact community. Players can deal incredibly high damage with Keqing, easily making her one of the go- to choices for combatting solo Boss Fights.

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Stellar Restoration(Elemental Skill)

Keqing uses a Lightning Stiletto to damage her enemies Deals with Electro DMG to enemies in a small AoE


Hold to navigate the Lighting Stilleto’s targetKeqing can jump towards the Lighting Stilleto’s suspended forms when using Stellar Restoration a second time.

Lightning Stiletto

Keqing can blink to the location of the Mark left by the Stellar Restoration again and unleash one slashing attack that deals AoE Electro DMG. Players can ignite a series of thundering cuts at the Mark’s location, dealing AoE Electro DMG.

Starward Sword(Elemental Burst)

Keqing uses the power of lightning to deal Electro DMG in an AOE.Blending into the shadow of her blade, Keqing strikes a series of blows to surrounding enemies with massive Electro DMG.

Aether/ Lumine (Traveler)

The Traveler is easily one of the best free characters in Genshin Impact. In the initial start of the game, players are faced with an option to select their Traveler; Aether or Lumine, one of the two powerful Geo Traveler twins. Aether/ Lumine can be great Geo Characters when players focus to build them well.

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Lightning Blade (Elemental Skill)

Untethers three consecutive thunder shadows that affect enemies with Electro DMG and leaves an Abundance Amulet behind after each hit.Abundance Amulets are limited to 2 each time, resetting after each generation. 

Abundance Amulets

Restores Traveler’s Elemental EnergyAdditional Energy Recharge while it lasts.

Gust Surge(Elemental Burst)

Traveler summons a tornado that propels enemies and objects towards itself while dealing with Anemo DMG. 

Elemental Absorption

The tornado deals with additional elemental DMG when in contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro. 

Elemental Absorption can occur only once per use.


4 Star Sword- Wielding Electro Character Razor, can easily prove to be one of the important DPS Characters in the realm of Tevyat. His electric wolf companion raging through him for summoning, Razor can sustain high amounts of damage with his heavy sword!

Best Artifacts

Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst

Claw and Thunder(Elemental Skill)

Razor summons The Wolf Within to deal with additional Electro DMG onto all surrounding enemies The Wolf Within fights with Razor within the skill duration.

The Wolf Within

Gives immunity to Razor against Electro DMG from Electro- Charged status.Increased Resistance to Interruptions+ATK SPD,  Electro RES.

Finally, we advise players to enjoy the game! One of the best aspects of Genshin Impact is being able to peek into the stories of these ever-expanding characters. With each new character release, players have been able to delve deeper and deeper into the world of Tevyat and its obscure mysteries. So, Character Ascensions, Weapon Ascensions, and Perfect Characters Parties aside, we hope the players are able to extensively enjoy Genshin Impact and continue to dote on their favorite characters!

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